Friday, June 26, 2009

More INK

heres more of the ink experiments
only this time we tried them
on my friends clothes and shot
them on her.
We put it on everything we found
just dint take pictures of all of it
also some of it got washed eventually
and doesnt exist anymore.


TheSleekGeek said...

omg you made these shirts? omg!they look amazing! you're a talented designer! ;D

hey thx for commenting on my post, ha my camera is actaully a Holga and i put some stickers on it;)

Shared closet said...

wowwww you are an artist!!!
your blog is amazing! i love it... SO ORIGINAL, and your style to!!

Little Bo Peeep said...

I really love the one without the dots on! But oh jolly good these are thumbs up! I would like to try that myself now..

Unknown said...

i loveee the shirtt.... your wayy to goodddd.... im so gonna rob ur stuff...

Unknown said...

These are the posts I enjoy most here!